Sabtu, 11 September 2010

Idea Cookbook

Taken from:  Dave's ESL Cafe
  • Business English - idea on how to improve your company classes
  • Discipline - idea on how to keep your students in order
  • Food - idea on how you can use food for teaching ESL/EFL
  • For the Teacher - idea on how you can become a better teacher
  • Games - idea on how to have fun with your students
  • Grammar - idea on how to teach grammar
  • Group Formation - idea and activities on forming groups and pairs
  • Holidays - Holiday idea you can use in your classroom
  • Ice Breakers - idea on what to do on the first day of class
  • Internet - idea on how to use the Net with your students
  • Kids - idea for those teaching ESL/EFL to children
  • Listening - idea on how your students can improve their listening comprehension
  • Math - idea on how to teach math to your ESL/EFL students
  • Music - idea on how to use music in the classroom
  • Private Teaching - Tips on how to teach students one-to-one 
  • Pronunciation - idea on helping your students with their pronunciation
  • Reading - idea on how to help your students read
  • Software - idea on excellent computer software for you and your students
  • Speaking - idea on how to get your students talking
  • Spelling - idea on how to teach English spelling
  • Textbooks - idea on great ESL/EFL texts
  • Video - idea on how to use video in the classroom
  • Vocabulary - idea on how students can learn vocabulary 
  • Writing - idea on how to get your students writing

Kamis, 09 September 2010

Kejutan untuk Copet

Alkisah, pada zaman dahulu kala. Seorang mahasiswi yang baru pulang kuliah naik ke bis tingkat 508. Siang itu penumpang padat tapi hari tidak terlalu panas. Angin bertiup semilir, melenakan. Dalam hitungan menit, mahasiswi itu tertidur pulas dalam posisi berdiri tegak.

Iyeeeeee, itu gue!

Tiba-tiba si Gue yang lagi asyik mimpi dapet lotre terbangun, kaget karena ada orang ngerogoh kantong celana. Mau tau apa yang dia dapet?

Tissue bekas belepotan ingus! RASAIN!!! 😆😆😆😆