Rabu, 25 Desember 2013


  1. Subtitles for TV series on RCTI (1995):  Friends, Kungfu--The Legend Continues, Cafe Americain
  2. BLOODY JACK (Jack Si Pemberani)—a teens’ novel (adventure), author:  L.A. Meyer, translator: Ratih Sumiratingratri, editor: Gabriel Ferry Halim, published by: Little Serambi, ISBN: 979111210X, 1st edition:  March 2007, 500 pages, 15 x 15,5 cm, soft cover, price:  Rp 49.900
  3. SPIRIT OF ART:  1970-2005—a biography of a painter named Tris Neddy Santo, author:  Tris Neddy Santo and friends, translators:  Vera Djuliarso, Shinta Harini, Neneng Natalina Rochmadi, Ratih Sumiratingratri, editor: Vera Djuliarso, published by: Tris Neddy Santo, 100 pages, 16 x 23 cm, soft cover
  4. The annual report and company profile of BANK MEGA SYARIAH, 2008, translator:  Ratih Sumiratingratri (reference:  Ani Murdiati, Business Director)
  5. HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW VIDEO SERIES    (Video Serial Tinjauan Bisnis Harvard) for LPPI, Kemang, translator:  Ratih Sumiratingratri
  6. TUBUH MANUSIA—a children’s encyclopedia, author:  Miranda Smith, publisher:  Indria Pustaka, Puspa Swara Group, member of IKAPI, translator: Ratih S. Jatmiko, editor: Zepthi, cover layout by: Setiawan, layout: Fathurrida, consultant: Dr. Patricia Macnair, 3-D illustrations: Rajeev Doshi dari Medi-Mation, 52 pages, 21 x 24 cm, hardcover, ISBN: 978-979-1475-08-2, price: Rp 57.900
  7. PIJAT BAYI—a guidebook for massaging babies and children, author:  Peter Walker, publisher: Puspa Swara, member of IKAPI, translator: Ratih Sumiratingratri, editor: Bims, cover layout by: Zariyal, layout: Fathurrida, consultant: Dr. Franscisca Handy, SpA, IBCLC, 90 pages, 20 x 29 cm, hardcover, ISBN: 978-602-8454--33-9

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