Rabu, 19 Mei 2010

SPEAKING Series (One-Year English Program)

The Student Book for the Speaking Class in One-Year English Program covers four lessons per unit, with the fourth lesson administered as a class project.  The class project serves not only as a review of the three previous lessons, but also as an opportunity for the students to manipulate their creativity to the fullest.  The first three lessons in every unit each starts with a task that is meant to stimulate the students' interest in the topic to be discussed, followed by a number of speaking activities in which the students' speaking skills are thoroughly exploited.  In the wrap up assignment the students are mostly required to role play a guided dialog.

The following appendices are contained in the Student Book:
  • A List of Phonetic Symbols, which learners can refer to
  • An Expression Chart:  a list of functional expressions which the students have to be able to use appropriately.  The expressions are listed per lesson.
Written by:
Ratih Sumiratingratri Jatmiko
Cicik Putra Perkasa, Madonna Yasmin, Rita Agustina, Shinta Harini

Peer editors:
Gabriel Ferry Halim, Heddy Triyana Putra, Mukti Mulyana

Paul Lincoln Hudson, Jean Hamel, Michael John Kelley

Sedior editors: 
Noni Rachman, Aisah Sulaeman, Vera Djuliarso, Febe da Lopez, Tanti Nurinawati Surjaatmadja, Harry Wilery

Gabriel Ferry Halim, Ratih Sumiratingratri

Gabriel Ferry Halim, Hening Rahadianto, Teguh Susetiana

Printed by:
PT Siwibakti Darma

Voice talents:
Heddy Triyana Putra, Jean Hamel, Michael John Kelley, Mukti Mulyana, Ratih Sumiratingratri, Yvonne C.J. Wotulo

Recorded and mixed by:
Hendi (Citra Studio)

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