- WARNA-WARNI KEHIDUPAN—a true story about the struggle of a single mom and her autistic boy, author: Dyah Puspita Asih Abdullah, editor: Ratih Sumiratingratri, published by: Yayasan Autisma Indonesia
- MINMIE—a series of pictorial children books, authors: Anisa Widiyarti, Erna Fitrini, Dewi Cendika, Merry Basril, Fita Chakra, etc, publisher: Dar!Mizan
Kamis, 26 Desember 2013
Rabu, 25 Desember 2013
- Subtitles for TV series on RCTI (1995): Friends, Kungfu--The Legend Continues, Cafe Americain
- BLOODY JACK (Jack Si Pemberani)—a teens’ novel (adventure), author: L.A. Meyer, translator: Ratih Sumiratingratri, editor: Gabriel Ferry Halim, published by: Little Serambi, ISBN: 979111210X, 1st edition: March 2007, 500 pages, 15 x 15,5 cm, soft cover, price: Rp 49.900
- SPIRIT OF ART: 1970-2005—a biography of a painter named Tris Neddy Santo, author: Tris Neddy Santo and friends, translators: Vera Djuliarso, Shinta Harini, Neneng Natalina Rochmadi, Ratih Sumiratingratri, editor: Vera Djuliarso, published by: Tris Neddy Santo, 100 pages, 16 x 23 cm, soft cover
- The annual report and company profile of BANK MEGA SYARIAH, 2008, translator: Ratih Sumiratingratri (reference: Ani Murdiati, Business Director)
- HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW VIDEO SERIES (Video Serial Tinjauan Bisnis Harvard) for LPPI, Kemang, translator: Ratih Sumiratingratri
- TUBUH MANUSIA—a children’s encyclopedia, author: Miranda Smith, publisher: Indria Pustaka, Puspa Swara Group, member of IKAPI, translator: Ratih S. Jatmiko, editor: Zepthi, cover layout by: Setiawan, layout: Fathurrida, consultant: Dr. Patricia Macnair, 3-D illustrations: Rajeev Doshi dari Medi-Mation, 52 pages, 21 x 24 cm, hardcover, ISBN: 978-979-1475-08-2, price: Rp 57.900
- PIJAT BAYI—a guidebook for massaging babies and children, author: Peter Walker, publisher: Puspa Swara, member of IKAPI, translator: Ratih Sumiratingratri, editor: Bims, cover layout by: Zariyal, layout: Fathurrida, consultant: Dr. Franscisca Handy, SpA, IBCLC, 90 pages, 20 x 29 cm, hardcover, ISBN: 978-602-8454--33-9
Jumat, 20 Desember 2013
[Portfolio] Writings
- SPEAKING Series (with LIA Writing Team)—skill-based English books and tests especially designed for LIA’s One-Year English program, published by LIA General English Curricula, Materials and Tests, components: student book, teacher’s guide, and audio materials
- The Magic Carpet (with, Ovy Yanti, Sari Kamil, Astrid Susanti & Evi Sofiawati)—a comic series about the adventures of a little boy named Sidik with little blue bird called Little Birdie, on a magic carpet, published in C‘nS Junior, illustrators: Budi Utomo & Andie Anakota
- Ciko and Sila (with Nani, Sari Kamil, Astrid Susanti & Evi Sofiawati)—a comic series about twin brother and sister, published in C‘nS Junior, illustrators: Budi Utomo & Andie Anakota, Jakarta
- Supplementary Materials for Start Up Series (with LIA Writing Team)—teachers’ manuals and tests especially designed for LIA’s English For Children program, published by LIA General English Curricula, Materials and Tests
- ENCOUNTER Series (with LIA Writing Team)—English books and tests especially designed for LIA’s English for Adults program, elementary levels, published by LIA General English Curricula, Materials and Tests, components: student book, teacher’s guide, workbook, and audio materials
- EXPLORE Series (with LIA Writing Team)—English books and tests especially designed for LIA’s English for Adults program, intermediate levels, published by LIA General English Curricula, Materials and Tests, components: student book, teacher’s guide, workbook, and audio materials
- ENRICH Series (with LIA Writing Team)—English books and tests especially designed for LIA’s English for Adults program, high-intermediate levels, published by LIA General English Curricula, Materials and Tests, components: student book, teacher’s guide, workbook, and audio materials
- RAINBOW Series (with LIA Writing Team)—English books and tests especially designed for LIA’s English for Teens program, elementary levels, published by LIA General English Curricula, Materials and Tests, components: student book, teacher’s manual, exercise book, and audio materials
- STAR Series (with LIA Writing Team)—English books and tests especially designed for LIA’s English for Teens program, pre-intermediate levels, published by LIA General English Curricula, Materials and Tests, components: student book, teacher’s manual, exercise book, and audio materials
- COMET Series (with LIA Writing Team)—English books and tests especially designed for LIA’s English for Teens program, intermediate levels, published by LIA General English Curricula, Materials and Tests, components: student book, teacher’s manual, exercise book, and audio materials
- I Love Reading Series (with Erna Fitrini)—English books and tests especially designed for kindergarten and elementary students, components: story book, teacher’s manual and resources, activity book, CD rom, Ilustrator: Jarot dan Tim CPR, Editor: Didik Djunaedi, published by: Cahaya Pustaka Raga. This series consists of: A. Storybooks: My House (for level 1, TK A-B) | I Love School (for level 1, TK A-B) | With Father and Mother (for level 1, TK A-B) | With Grandma (for level 1, TK A-B) | At Home (for level 2, SD 1-2) | My School Friends (for level 2, SD 1-2) | Yummy (for level 2, SD 1-2) | Let’s Go to the Beach (for level 2, SD 1-2) | Surprise! (for level 3, SD 3-4) | I Can’t Believe It! (for level 3, SD 3-4) | A Park Nearby (for level 3, SD 3-4) | Interesting Shows (for level 3, SD 3-4) | The Outer Space (for level 4, SD 5-6) | School Events (for level 4, SD 5-6) | Let’s Prepare (for level 4, SD 5-6) | Yay, Holiday! (for level 4, SD 5-6) | B. Activity Books: Activity Book for Levels 1-4 | C. Teacher's Guide and Resources: Teacher’s Guide and Resources for Levels 1-4 | C. My Cool Grammar Book
- CHATAWAY Series (with LIA Writing Team)—English books focused on speaking, especially designed for Junior High School Students, published by LIA General English Curricula, Materials and Tests, components: student book, teacher’s manual, and audio materials
- EC TESTS (with LIA Writing Team)—English tests, especially designed for LIA's English for Children program, published by LIA General English Curricula, Materials and Tests, components: placement tests, unit tests, mid-semester tests, progress tests, oral tests, and audio materials
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