Kamis, 26 Desember 2013


  1. WARNA-WARNI KEHIDUPAN—a true story about the struggle of a single mom and her autistic boy, author: Dyah Puspita Asih Abdullah, editor:  Ratih Sumiratingratri, published by:  Yayasan Autisma Indonesia
  2. MINMIE—a series of pictorial children books, authors: Anisa Widiyarti, Erna Fitrini, Dewi Cendika, Merry Basril, Fita Chakra, etc, publisher: Dar!Mizan

Rabu, 25 Desember 2013


  1. Subtitles for TV series on RCTI (1995):  Friends, Kungfu--The Legend Continues, Cafe Americain
  2. BLOODY JACK (Jack Si Pemberani)—a teens’ novel (adventure), author:  L.A. Meyer, translator: Ratih Sumiratingratri, editor: Gabriel Ferry Halim, published by: Little Serambi, ISBN: 979111210X, 1st edition:  March 2007, 500 pages, 15 x 15,5 cm, soft cover, price:  Rp 49.900
  3. SPIRIT OF ART:  1970-2005—a biography of a painter named Tris Neddy Santo, author:  Tris Neddy Santo and friends, translators:  Vera Djuliarso, Shinta Harini, Neneng Natalina Rochmadi, Ratih Sumiratingratri, editor: Vera Djuliarso, published by: Tris Neddy Santo, 100 pages, 16 x 23 cm, soft cover
  4. The annual report and company profile of BANK MEGA SYARIAH, 2008, translator:  Ratih Sumiratingratri (reference:  Ani Murdiati, Business Director)
  5. HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW VIDEO SERIES    (Video Serial Tinjauan Bisnis Harvard) for LPPI, Kemang, translator:  Ratih Sumiratingratri
  6. TUBUH MANUSIA—a children’s encyclopedia, author:  Miranda Smith, publisher:  Indria Pustaka, Puspa Swara Group, member of IKAPI, translator: Ratih S. Jatmiko, editor: Zepthi, cover layout by: Setiawan, layout: Fathurrida, consultant: Dr. Patricia Macnair, 3-D illustrations: Rajeev Doshi dari Medi-Mation, 52 pages, 21 x 24 cm, hardcover, ISBN: 978-979-1475-08-2, price: Rp 57.900
  7. PIJAT BAYI—a guidebook for massaging babies and children, author:  Peter Walker, publisher: Puspa Swara, member of IKAPI, translator: Ratih Sumiratingratri, editor: Bims, cover layout by: Zariyal, layout: Fathurrida, consultant: Dr. Franscisca Handy, SpA, IBCLC, 90 pages, 20 x 29 cm, hardcover, ISBN: 978-602-8454--33-9

Jumat, 20 Desember 2013

[Portfolio] Writings

  1. SPEAKING Series (with LIA Writing Team)—skill-based English books and tests especially designed for LIA’s One-Year English program, published by LIA General English Curricula, Materials and Tests, components:  student book, teacher’s guide, and audio materials  
  2. The Magic Carpet (with, Ovy Yanti, Sari Kamil, Astrid Susanti & Evi Sofiawati)—a comic series about the adventures of a little boy named Sidik with little blue bird called Little Birdie, on a magic carpet, published in C‘nS Junior, illustrators:  Budi Utomo & Andie Anakota
  3. Ciko and Sila (with Nani, Sari Kamil, Astrid Susanti & Evi Sofiawati)—a comic series about twin brother and sister, published in C‘nS Junior, illustrators:  Budi Utomo & Andie Anakota, Jakarta
  4. Supplementary Materials for Start Up Series (with LIA Writing Team)—teachers’ manuals and tests especially designed for LIA’s English For Children program, published by LIA General English Curricula, Materials and Tests
  5. ENCOUNTER Series (with LIA Writing Team)—English books and tests especially designed for LIA’s English for Adults program, elementary levels, published by LIA General English Curricula, Materials and Tests, components:  student book, teacher’s guide, workbook, and audio materials 
  6. EXPLORE Series (with LIA Writing Team)—English books and tests especially designed for LIA’s English for Adults program, intermediate levels, published by LIA General English Curricula, Materials and Tests, components:  student book, teacher’s guide, workbook, and audio materials 
  7. ENRICH Series (with LIA Writing Team)—English books and tests especially designed for LIA’s English for Adults program, high-intermediate levels, published by LIA General English Curricula, Materials and Tests, components:  student book, teacher’s guide, workbook, and audio materials 
  8. RAINBOW Series (with LIA Writing Team)—English books and tests especially designed for LIA’s English for Teens program, elementary levels, published by LIA General English Curricula, Materials and Tests, components:  student book, teacher’s manual, exercise book, and audio materials 
  9. STAR Series (with LIA Writing Team)—English books and tests especially designed for LIA’s English for Teens program, pre-intermediate levels, published by LIA General English Curricula, Materials and Tests, components:  student book, teacher’s manual, exercise book, and audio materials 
  10. COMET Series (with LIA Writing Team)—English books and tests especially designed for LIA’s English for Teens program, intermediate levels, published by LIA General English Curricula, Materials and Tests, components:  student book, teacher’s manual, exercise book, and audio materials 
  11. I Love Reading Series (with Erna Fitrini)—English books and tests especially designed for kindergarten and elementary students, components:  story book, teacher’s manual and resources, activity book, CD rom, Ilustrator:  Jarot dan Tim CPR, Editor: Didik Djunaedi, published by: Cahaya Pustaka Raga.  This series consists of:  A. Storybooks: My House (for level 1, TK A-B) |   I Love School (for level 1, TK A-B) | With Father and Mother (for level 1, TK A-B) | With Grandma (for level 1, TK A-B) | At Home (for level 2, SD 1-2) | My School Friends (for level 2, SD 1-2) |  Yummy (for level 2, SD 1-2) | Let’s Go to the Beach (for level 2, SD 1-2) |  Surprise! (for level 3, SD 3-4) | I Can’t Believe It! (for level 3, SD 3-4) |  A Park Nearby (for level 3, SD 3-4) |  Interesting Shows (for level 3, SD 3-4) | The Outer Space (for level 4, SD 5-6) |  School Events (for level 4, SD 5-6) | Let’s Prepare (for level 4, SD 5-6) |  Yay, Holiday! (for level 4, SD 5-6) | B.  Activity Books:  Activity Book for Levels 1-4 |  C.  Teacher's Guide and Resources: Teacher’s Guide and Resources for Levels 1-4  C.  My Cool Grammar Book
  12. CHATAWAY Series (with LIA Writing Team)—English books focused on speaking, especially designed for Junior High School Students, published by LIA General English Curricula, Materials and Tests, components:  student book, teacher’s manual, and audio materials 
  13. EC TESTS (with LIA Writing Team)—English tests, especially designed for LIA's English for Children program, published by LIA General English Curricula, Materials and Tests, components:  placement tests, unit tests, mid-semester tests, progress tests, oral tests, and audio materials