Selasa, 20 Oktober 2015

Indonesian Folktales: Proses Panjang yang Mendebarkan
      Di awal 2015, sejak ide website ini dicetuskan oleh Benny Rhamdani dan didukung oleh Ali Muakhir, orang-orang yang ditunjuk secara terbuka di Forum Penulis Bacaan Anak terus merapatkan barisan, mengayun langkah bersama. Pertama adalah para penyeleksi naskah: Nurhayati Pujiastuti, Dian Kristiani, Bambang Irwanto, dan Iwok Abqary, lalu para editor: Veronica Widyastuti, Tethy Ezokanzo, Herlina Sitorus, Aan Diha, dan Triani Retno. Para anggota termasuk saya, berbondong-bondong mengirim naskah. Tentu saja kami berharap naskah kami diterima.
     Saya senang sekali ketika saya diminta menerjemahkan naskah saat sedang dalam penantian. Rupanya website ini akan disajikan dalam dua bahasa: Indonesia dan Inggris. Saya sangat bersemangat karena ini artinya, jika seandainya naskah saya tak lolos audisi, saya tetap akan punya ruang untuk ikut berkontribusi. Alhamdulillah naskah yang saya kirim diterima. Setelah menerima versi revisi dari Editor, saya mulai menerjemahkan naskah saya sendiri, dengan harapan bisa nyolong start sedikit demi sedikit.

Senin, 19 Oktober 2015

What's Wrong with the Term "Second Language Writers"?

It's this very question that requires critical scrutiny. If some people feel there is anything negative or pejorative about it, that means they have implicitly accepted the idea that being an L2 writer is somehow negative. By avoiding the term without challenging the negative perception, people are inadvertently perpetuating the problem.

It's important to focus on positive aspects of L2 writing and writers, but that cannot be the only thing we do to address the issue. If we ignore the challenges they face, and the need to learn and develop to accomplish their own purposes, or if we simply dismiss other people's negative perceptions and feed them the "correct way" to talk about the issue, we are simply evading the real issue.

I don't do what I do to feel good about myself. I prefer to face the real challenges, even though other people may not see it as pleasant or fashionable. While some may prefer to gentrify the discourse, someone has to do the real work of understanding the situation as it is and promote that understanding so appropriate responses can be developed. It is this kind of work I choose to engage in.

I accept second language writers as they are--with all their amazing accomplishments and daunting challenges they face. I am a second language writer. And I'm proud of it.