Rabu, 04 September 2019

Match Up

Match each word in the left column with its synonym on the right. When finished, click Answer to see the results. Good luck!


Selasa, 03 September 2019

Word Trivia

Today's topic: stall

loge - A booth or stall; also a box in a theatre. More...
cage - Came to English from Latin cavea, "enclosure for animals; coop, hive, or stall"—or "dungeon." More...
install - Its earliest sense was "place in office by seating in a stall or official seat," from Old French estaler, "to place," from estal, "place." More...
pedestal - Comes from Old Italian piedestallo, a conflation of pie de stallo, "foot of a stall." More...

Senin, 02 September 2019

Idiom of the Day

broken record

A person or thing that repeats itself over and over again. Likened to vinyl records that when severely scratched (i.e., "broken") can loop over the same recorded segment endlessly.

Minggu, 01 September 2019

Ja Leuleu Ja

Ja leuleu ja
Tulak tuja eman gog
Seureuh leuweung bay
Jambe kolot bug
Ucing katinggang songsong ngek

Word of the Day


Definition: Cause to deteriorate due to the action of water, air, or an acid.
Synonyms:rust, eat

Jumat, 30 Agustus 2019

Daily Grammar Lesson

Rabu, 28 Agustus 2019

Spelling Bee

difficulty level:
score: -
please wait...
spell the word:

Rabu, 21 Agustus 2019

Content Based Instruction

Dr. Muna Alkhateeb

Content based instruction (CBI) is a teaching approach that focuses on learninglanguagethrough learningaboutsomething.AlthoughCBI is not new, there has been an increased interest in it becauseit has proven very effective in ESL and EFLprograms around the world.Content-Based Instruction (CBI) is “an approach to second language teaching in which teaching is organized around the content or information that students will acquire, rather than around a linguistic or other type of syllabus” (Richards & Rodgers, 2001, p.204). In other words, CBI involves integrating the learning of language with the learning of content simultaneously; here, content typically means academic subject matter such as math, science, or social studies.

Content-Based Instruction

In recent years content-based instruction has become increasingly popular as a means of developing linguistic ability.

It has strong connections to project work, task-based learning and a holistic approach to language instruction and has become particularly popular within the state school secondary (11 - 16 years old) education sector.

What is content-based instruction?
The focus of a CBI lesson is on the topic or subject matter. During the lesson students are focused on learning about something. This could be anything that interests them from a serious science subject to their favourite pop star or even a topical news story or film. They learn about this subject using the language they are trying to learn, rather than their native language, as a tool for developing knowledge and so they develop their linguistic ability in the target language. This is thought to be a more natural way of developing language ability and one that corresponds more to the way we originally learn our first language.

Senin, 17 Juni 2019

Biwar Si Pemberani - Ratih Sumiratingratri (AyoDI)

       Pada acara Dongeng Kejutan yang diadakan di Perpustakaan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan pada Sabtu, 21 April 2018, yang bertepatan dengan Hari Kartini, Ratih membawakan dongeng berjudul Biwar Si Pemberani. Dongeng tersebut bertemakan keberanian seorang anak laki-laki kecil, Biwar dari tanah Papua.